Change of CEO at ANU Enterprise

Change of CEO at ANU Enterprise

Change of CEO at ANU Enterprise

The Board of ANU Enterprise is pleased to announce the appointment of Deputy CEO and General Manager, Anthony Pagès, as Interim CEO of ANU Enterprise effective from 1 January 2021.

“Anthony’s appointment is a recognition of the role he has had in leading and implementing strategic change at ANU Enterprise.  Anthony is a valued member of the ANU Enterprise Executive team, and it has been pleasing to see his personal development as part of the Company succession plan,” said Bruce McKay, Independent Chair and Director, ANU Enterprise.

“Anthony’s promotion to Interim CEO follows a period of significant growth and engagement by ANU Enterprise, led by the outgoing Chief Executive Officer, Professor Michael Cardew-Hall.  The promotion from within reflects the close alignment of ANU Enterprise with ANU, as a for-purpose engagement Company, providing value to the University and assisting in securing significant contract revenues from non-traditional funding sources”.

Professor Cardew-Hall will be stepping down from his role as part of the Australian National University Executive and as Pro Vice-Chancellor Innovation and Enterprise effective from 31 December 2020 but will remain as Emeritus Professor at ANU.

“We thank Mick for his significant contribution and are grateful that he will continue as a Director and Independent Chair of both The Social Research Centre Pty Ltd and Australian Scientific Instruments Pty Ltd,” Mr McKay said.

“The board has confidence in Anthony’s ability and leadership to continue the work of Professor Cardew-Hall and the Executive, to deliver on the strategic direction of ANU Enterprise.

“Our close-knit team has an excellent culture, and they will be delighted with Anthony’s appointment, especially during a time of ever-increasing growth and engagement with the University,” he said.

Change of CEO at ANU Enterprise: Background


About Anthony Pagès

Anthony joined ANU Enterprise in 2015 as an executive in the capacity of Director (Projects and Consulting) and was promoted to Deputy CEO and General Manager in 2018.  Anthony is the main architect behind ANUE’s new value proposition and services to ANU. Anthony is also a senior member of the Innovation ANU Management Team within ANU Research and Innovation portfolio.

Anthony’s prior experience includes leading the commercialisation efforts for the Arts, Social Sciences and Education portfolios at Griffith University, leading to national recognition at the 2014 Knowledge and Commercialisation Australia awards.  Anthony is a graduate of the Harvard Business School and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. In his spare time, Anthony is Vice-Chair of the board of the Canberra International Music Festival Pty Ltd.


About Professor Michael Cardew-Hall

  • CEO – ANU Enterprise Jul 2016 to Dec 2020
  • Director – ANU Enterprise Jun 2012 to Aug 2014

As CEO of ANU Enterprise, Professor Cardew-Hall has transformed the way in which an ANU owned subsidiary is structured and aligned to providing significant value to ANU through business development and delivery of projects with government agencies and industry through tenders. This approach, benchmarked against leading overseas universities, has led to a significant increase in the value of Category 2 and Category 3 projects being tendered for and won by ANU.

ANU Enterprise also became the enabling vehicle through which strategic acquisitions could be undertaken by ANU. In 2014, Professor Cardew-Hall led the acquisition of The Social Research Centre, a world-class research service specialising in social and health research.

Professor Cardew-Hall was instrumental in ensuring world-class technology developed by the Research School of Earth Sciences, was successfully licenced to Beijing SHRIMP Centre, enabling leading ANU research to continue to benefit the geochronology market worldwide, following the divestment of operations from Australian Scientific Instruments.


For more information: or contact COO & Company Secretary, Frank Papa on 0414 951 863.

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