18 Mar COVID-19 ANU Enterprise Response – March
New challenges, such as responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, are trying for everyone and require us all to do everything we can to help each other.
At ANU Enterprise, we need to both think globally and act locally. As a subsidiary of the Australian National University, we are guided by the comprehensive updates and alerts issued by the University newsroom and the Australian Government.
Like most businesses, our international travel commitments are suspended temporarily, and our domestic travel is restricted to business-critical activity, until further notice.
If the need arises, our people are equipped to work remotely to ensure projects, tenders and education services remain on track for delivery.
During these trying times, we encourage everyone to work together to support each other positively and responsibly.
If you have a question about how the ANU Enterprise COVID-19 response affects you, please email contactus@anuenterprise.com.au or contact our General Manager & Deputy CEO, Anthony Pagès on 0438 982 644, or, COO & Company Secretary, Frank Papa on 0414 951 863.